2009.05.10. 18:39
Finis sanctificat media
Machiavelli filozófiája szerint egy cél elérésére minden eszköz alkalmazása jogos. „A cél szentesíti az eszközt” mondat ugyan nem tőle ered, de társítható hozzá. „A fejedelem tevékenységének mércéje tehát nem az erkölcs és a vallás, hanem csakis a politikai hasznosság lehet, cselekvésének mércéje pedig a végcél. Ezért akár erőszakhoz is folyamodhat, a kegyetlenség, a színlelés eszközével is élhet ("róka természetű" lehet). Viszont abban az esetben, ha a helyzet úgy kívánja meg, akkor legyen könyörületes, becsületes, feddhetetlen, vallásos és emberséges, vagy legalábbis ennek látsszon.”
Most pont ez az új kedvenc számom, témába vág... You need more, you need more, you need more...
(you need more, you need more, you need more ,you need more,you need more,you need more,you need more,you need more,you need more)
Boy it's tough getting on in the world
when the sun doesn't shine and a boy needs a girl
it's about getting out of a rut, you need luck
but your stuck and don't know how (oh)
(don't have to be) A big-bucks Hollywood star
(don't have to drive) A super car to get far
(don't have to live) A life of power and wealth
(don't have to be) beautiful but it helps
(don't have to buy) A house in Beverly hills
(don't have to have) your daddy paying the bills
(don't have to live) A life of power and wealth
(don't have to be) beautiful but it helps
you need more than a big blank check to be a lover,or
a gulf stream jet to fly you door to door
somewhere chic on another shore
you need more you need more you need more you need more you need more you need more
you need love
you need love
you need love
too much of anything is never enough
too much of everything is never enough
Boy it's tough getting on in the world
when the sun doesn't shine and a boy needs a girl
it's about getting out of a rut, you need luck
but your stuck and you don't know how (oh)
(don't have to be) A big-bucks Hollywood star
(don't have to drive) A super car to get far
(don't have to wear) A smile much colder than ice
(don't have to be) beautiful but it's nice
you need more than Gerhard Richter hangin' on your wall
a chauffeur-driven limousine on call
to drive your wife and lover to a white tie ball
(you need more, you need more, you need more,you need more, you need more,you need more) you need love
I believe that we can achieve the love that we need
I believe, call me naive
love is for free (oh)
(don't have to be) A big-bucks Hollywood star
(don't have to drive) A super car to get far
(don't have to live) A life of power and wealth
(don't have to be) beautiful but it helps
beautiful that it helps
beautiful that it helps
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